
Data and visual stimuli

(please cite the relevant paper if you use these resources)

Available at:
Open Science Framework (OSF):

Wardle, S. G., Ewing, L., Malcolm, G. L., Paranjape, S., & Baker, C. I. (2023). Children perceive illusory faces in objects as male more often than female. Cognition. [link to paper]

Behavioral data, visual stimuli, figures from the paper, and analysis code DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/K4RU2

*Corriveau, *Kidder, Teichmann, Wardle, & Baker, C. (2022) Sustained neural representations of personally familiar people and places during cued recall. Cortex. [link to paper]

MEG data, figures from the paper, and experimental and analysis scripts DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/4WUPE

*Wardle, *Paranjape et al. (2022) Illusory faces are more likely to be perceived as male than femalePNAS  [link to paper]

Raw behavioral data and visual stimuli (illusory faces, matched objects, human faces, gender morphed human faces) for five experiments DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/F74XH

Contini, *Goddard & *Wardle (2021)
Reaction times predict dynamic brain representations measured with MEG for only some object categorization tasks. Neuropsychologia  [link to paper]

MEG data, behavioral data, analysis code, figures from the paper
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/7U4MB

Keys, Taubert & Wardle (2021) 
A visual search advantage for illusory faces in objects.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics  [link to paper]

Behavioral data, visual stimuli

Wardle et al. (2020) 
Rapid and dynamic processing of face pareidolia in the human brain. Nature Communications  [link to paper]

96 visual stimuli (illusory faces, matched objects, human faces) used in fMRI and MEG experiments; representational similarity matrices in MATLAB .mat format
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9G4RZ

favorite tools

Experiment builder in Python, great tool for scripting Psychology/Cognitive Neuroscience experiments (e.g.  visual stimulus presentation).

(Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) Brilliant software for MRI analysis from the NIH. Including C, Python, R programs and shell scripts. Also offers cortical reconstruction and visualization with its sister program SUMA.

Excellent MATLAB toolbox for decoding and multivariate analysis of fMRI data. Interfaces with AFNI!

Comprehensive MATLAB toolbox for multivariate analysis of fMRI & EEG/MEG data.

MATLAB toolbox for straightforward implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

Amazon Mechanical Turk is a platform for running crowdsourced online behavioral experiments with large sample sizes. Like many people, I first learned how to use it via Timothy Brady’s useful introductory tutorial.